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  • 更新时间2024年
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Studies of Low-carbon Economy Perspective Environmental Cost Accounting System Based On


This article will examine the environmental cost accounting system with the current combination of hot carbon economy, in the original theoretical basis and practical problems of further proposed the development direction of the enterprise environment cost accounting system in the new situation of the. Along with the rapid economic development, people's awareness of sustainable development continue to enhance the business environment, along with the cost accounting system came into being. China's environmental cost accounting gone through twenty years of development, we have made some achievements, but the research environment and cost accounting compared to American and European countries there is still a gap, but the business environment along with the cost accounting system itself times of the attendant is not perfect and innovation. With this new concept of "low carbon" there is the pursuit of a more absolute reduction in emissions of thinking. The emerging low-carbon economy study will give new impetus to research and development of environmental accounting
    This article focuses on research-based costing system causes of a low-carbon economy Perspective business environment and emerging problems, as well as specific recommendations related environmental cost accounting system Perspective of a low-carbon economy. From emerging low-carbon economy as the starting point of today's enterprise environment cost accounting system analyzes the existing problems, causes and related some feasible recommendations. Environmental cost accounting system based on a low-carbon economy Enterprise Perspective, in recognition and measurement, exist no clear dividing elements, measurement standard uncertainty and other issues; cost divided marginalization and distribution presence in the imputation accounting system is not yet clear and other defects; presence awareness needs to be improved enterprise, inadequate laws and regulations such as lack of accounting information disclosure. Based on these problems and the reasons for the low carbon economy in a view of the front section for the article, in the latter part of the text, respectively, for specific questions put forward specific proposals: the identification and measurement of aspects, strengthening the normative standard-setting and strengthening control environmental costs ; in imputation and distribution, improve and perfect the accounting methods account system; the accounting information disclosure, to stimulate business initiative, improve relevant laws and regulations.

Key words: Low-carbon Economy;Enterprise Environmental Costs;Accounting System;Sustainable Development


一、前言 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 1
二、低碳经济视角下企业环境成本核算体系的问题及原因分析 2
(一)低碳经济视角下的企业环境成本的确认和计量的问题及原因分析 2
(二)低碳经济视角下的企业环境成本的归集和分配的问题及原因分析 3
(三)低碳经济视角下的企业环境成本的会计信息披露的问题及原因分析 4
三、低碳经济视角下企业环境成本核算体系的建议 6
(一)低碳经济视角下的企业环境成本的确认和计量的建议 6
(二)低碳经济视角下的企业环境成本的归集和分配的建议 7
(三)低碳经济视角下的企业环境成本的会计信息披露的建议 8
四、结论 9
参考文献 10
致  谢 12


[7]国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所课题组.中国 2050 年低碳发展之路:能源需求碳排放情景分析[M],科学出版社,2010(9).
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[19]周志方,李晓青.关于国外排污权会计的最新发展进程述评与借鉴[J].经济经纬,  2009(5): 84-87.





  • 关键词 写作 成本 会计论文 低碳 经济 视角 企业 环境 成本会计
  • 上一篇:(会计论文写作)会计岗位职责的(优化)设计
  • 下一篇:我国上市公司环境会计信息披露研究
  • 暂无购买记录



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