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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥298
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Design of continuous die for iron handle

Abstract:In twenty-first Century, advanced stamping technology absorbs the outstanding achievements in mechanical, electronic, information, materials , clean production. In recent years, analysis, reasoning, decision-making and control functions has become an important part of modern manufacturing technology, which plays an important role in the development of national economy. Generally speaking, the die is made up of a fixed part and a movable part. The fixed part is fastened on the working table of the press by the press plate and bolt, and the active part is fixed on the slide block of the press. Usually the fastening part is the lower die, and the movable part is the upper die. The upper die moves upward and downward with the slide block, thereby punching.

Any die is made up of various parts, and can be made up of dozens or even hundreds of parts. However, no matter how complicated they are, the parts on the die can be divided into five types according to their functions: working parts, positioning parts, pressure material, unloading and ejecting parts, guiding parts, fixing and fastening parts.

Many materials need to be made in making moulds, such as carbon tool steel T8A, T10A, low alloy tool steel CrWMn, 9Mn2V, etc. Stamping is a kind of widely used and long history product manufacturing process. It is a modern industrial equipment that is not used for automobile, aircraft, agricultural machinery, locomotive, and electronics. In recent years, with the basic manufacturing methods of new products, the development of materials and the emergence of new stamping technology, it has become an important technological frontier in advanced manufacturing field (net manufacturing).

The shape, size, relative position and properties of non-metallic materials are made into qualified parts.

Die design is the foundation of mould manufacturing, and reasonable and correct design is the guarantee of mould making correctly. The development of mould manufacturing technology is of great significance to improve the quality of mould, service life, precision, and shorten the period of manufacturing die. The quality, service life, making precision and qualified rate of die are greatly dependent on the mold quality. The material and heat treatment T art of mould making: the mold is not directly related to the cost of creating parts and the economic benefit of the manufacturing enterprise: the precision of the working parts of the mold determines the precision of the parts: the life meaning of the mold is related to the material and heat treatment of the mould and county, the structure of the looser and the T made of the material, and so on: the installation of the mould To make Sichuan directly related to the performance and safety of the model, the standardization of the design and manufacture of the mold is the foundation for the design and manufacture of the mold. The level of the standardization of the mold is very heavy, and the degree of the standardization of the mould is the industrial development of the mould.Pressure is to use building tools to press the village material on the press to separate or deform. A m working method for obtaining a certain shape of a workpiece. Because stamping is often carried out under the condition of cold material, it is also called cold stamping. Commonly used materials for stamping are sheet metal, so it is also known as stamping parts stamping process. A special kind of process equipment, called stamping, is made of metal or non-metal materials into parts (or semi-finished products) for stamping dies (commonly known as stamping dies). The shuttles are essential equipment for the stamping process. Without advanced die technology, the advanced stamping technology can not realize the shape of the classification parts, the small size, the precision, the batch, the raw material and so on, and the stamping methods are varied. But in general, is a material phase r which is originally a whole, and the forming process refers to the working procedure of producing a certain shape and size of the bad material under the condition that the plastic deformation is produced without damage.

Keywords:Pressure plate; bolt; press; carbon tool steel T8A, T10A; high productivity, low production cost, simple operation, suitable for mass production; low alloy tool steel CrWMn, 9Mn2V.

目 录

第一章 序言 1

1.1课题研究的目的和意义 1

1.2国内外研究概况 2

1.3课题研究的主要内容 5

第二章 工艺分析 6

2.1冲裁工艺分析 6

2.2加工方案确定 6

第三章 工艺计算 7

3.1排样设计 7

3.2搭边值计算 8

3.3送料进距计算 9

3.4压力中心计算 9

3.5凸模,凹模的结构设计 10

3.6冲裁模工作部分尺寸计算 16

第四章 总装备图 17







第一章 序言


铁柄是具有很好的机械密封性,所以它常用于机械器材中间的密封,除了密封性之外,还有防止两个物体之间受到压力、腐蚀、和管路自然地热胀冷缩泄漏一些性能。但是机械加工表面还有很多不完美之处,但是铁柄但是可以弥补不规则性。 如何正确选用铁柄,对于保证设备无泄漏来说很关键。选择铁柄时要根据介质的物性、压力、温度和设备大小、操作条件、连续运转周期长短等一些情况来合理地选择铁柄,充分发挥各种铁柄的特点。 在使用铁柄的时候,要注意铁柄的压力和温度,因为它们都是相互制约的,随着温度的升高。




工业,农业,服务业是我国的三大重要产业。在二十一世纪的发展情况下,服务业不断发展,但国家的支撑柱依旧是工业,作为“工业之母”----模具,依旧对一个国家的发展影响很大。在我国模具行业在二十世纪80,90年代 迅起很快,各个地方的模具厂大大小小遍地开花。从事模具行业的人也是川流不息。我国的经济发展也是以很快放式进步,因此得到提高。但是我国在模具行业从事高端技术人才任然是一个空缺。与西方国家比拟任然存在很大不足。相比落后。重点还是在大型精密型模具制造,模具本身而言对于精度就有很高要求,尺寸公差越小越精密。当然这只是一方面,制造一副完美的模具要考虑的因素有很多,比如材料的选择,所选用的材料经济型,是否相对便宜,廉价,节约成本。还有所计算出来冲裁力,压力中心是否合格。冲压设备型号的选用因为太大不行太小也不行。










④吴爽,李剑主编,《公差配合与技术测量》(M) 同济大学出版社,2015.

⑤王秀凤 ,模具制造工艺学,(M)北京:航空航天大学出版社,2005.

  • 关键词 铁柄 连续 模具设计
  • 上一篇:继电器左扳手级进模设计
  • 下一篇:卡脚冲压成形与模具设计 (说明书+cad+工艺卡)
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