关键词:意象 花 情感 生命 历程 体验 女性
Content abstract: Li Qingzhao is a famous woman poet in Southern Song Dynasty. His Ci is euphemistic and implicit, with ups and downs. It has high research and appreciation value both in ideological content and artistic achievements. There are several main natural images in Li Qingzhao's Ci, such as "flower", "moon", "river" and "rain". The selection of these images is not only related to her life experience, but also to the social background, political situation and people's cultural psychology of the Song Dynasty. This paper links Yi'an Ci with the specific time, season, climate, mood and the background of the times. It analyses the use and symbolic significance of the image of "flower" in Yi'an Ci, and shows the unique mental process of women. In Li Qingzhao's CI poems, we can feel her different experiences as a woman in different periods. We can see the change of the poet's mentality from girl's sentiment to missing woman's sentiment, from missing woman's sentiment to missing woman's resentment.
Key words: imagery flower emotional life experience women
前言 2
一.李清照前期词作大多抒写少女的情怀和少妇的相思情愫。 3
二. 词人后期词作中的花意象的主调表现 3
三、词中“花”的意象 4
(一)少女时期的“花”意象 4
(二)婚后少妇时期的“花”意象 4
(三)丧偶孀居时期的“花”意象 4
(四)花如娇颜 5
(五)花诉愁绪 5
(六)花言己志 5
结束语 6
参考文献 6
[1 唐圭璋,缪钺,叶嘉莹,周汝昌,宛敏灏,万云骏唐宋词鉴赏辞典,上海辞书出版社;1168 -1220
[2 温绍方 ,钱光培. 李清照名篇赏析,北京十月文艺出版社
[3 唐永德《女词人生活的侧影》.阅读与欣赏.古典文学部分(五),广播出版社:32-51 [4 唐永德《春愁难释 秋思不绝》.阅读与欣赏.古典文学部分(五),广播花园中被清照采撷于笔下的除了高傲坚贞的梅花,隐逸而又深情的菊花,淡雅清幽的桂花外,还有那“出污泥而不染”的莲花,清雅素淡晶莹似雪的梨花,以及那幽独富丽妖艳的海棠玉骨冰肌” 出版社:52-59
[5 《李清照词鉴赏》 齐鲁书社 1986 年 4 月第一版
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