


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥317
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-27)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


Trapezoidal baffle of cold stamping die design 
Abstract:In the present the fierce competition in the market, products put on the market sooner or later is often key to success. In the graduation design using a computer aided design (CAD) drawing mould main parts of the die assembly drawings always chart and, using a numeerical control machining, numerical control line electric processing advanced processing technology. In this design accoording to the requirements of the topic, first of stamping, based on the an analysis of the part of that size precision with general precision of the mould can meet the accuuracy requirement of the parts, and again from the shape of the parts, dimensions and production batch, etc, we can see the processing scheme selection. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the parts, in the design of the mould is I design inversion blanking punching composite die, are mainly introduced in this paper cutting technology, use UG or CAXA die structure and design, punch die blanking puncching principle of work, etc. Hope to flexible using of major knowledge and skills, the successful completion of the design.

Keywords:Stamping, mould, separation process

目   录
第1章绪论  1
1.1 模具行业的发展现状及市场前景 1
1.2 设计目的及意义 2
第2章冲裁件的工艺分析 4
2.1 冲裁工艺的概念 4
2.2 冲裁件的工艺性 4
2.3 排样及材料利用率 5
2.3.1 排样 5
2.3.2 搭边 5
2.3.3 条料宽度 5
2.3.4 材料利用率 5
2.4 方案的确定 5
第3章冲压力及压力中心的计算 7
3.1 冲裁力 7
3.1.1 冲孔冲裁力P孔 7
3.1.2 落料冲裁力P落 7
3.2 卸料力P卸 7
3.3 推料力P推 8
3.4 顶件力P顶 8
3.5 总冲压力P总 8
第4章凹模凸凹模刃口及结构尺寸计算 9
4.1 计算模具刃口尺寸 9
4.1.1 落料刃口尺寸计算 9
4.1.2 冲孔刃口尺寸计算 9
4.2 结构尺寸计算 9
4.2.1 落料凹模结构尺寸计算 9
4.2.2 冲孔凸模结构尺寸确定 10
4.2.3 凸凹模结构尺寸计算 14
第5章模具总体结构设计 15
5.1 模架 15
5.2 导向及支撑固定装置 16
5.2.1 导套导柱 16
5.2.2 模柄 17
5.2.3 固定板 17
5.3 垫板 18
5.4 卸料机构设计 18
5.4.1 条料的卸除 18
5.4.2 冲孔废料的卸除 19
5.5 推件装置 19
5.6 弹性装置 19
5.7 送料定位机构设计 20
5.7.1 固定挡料销 20
5.7.2 固定导料板 21
5.8 紧固件 22
5.9 初选压力机的校核 22
总结 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25

[2].任海东、苏君.冷冲压工艺与模具设计.河南科学技术出版社 2007.


  • 关键词 冷冲 模具 梯形 挡板 冲模
  • 上一篇:(代做注塑成型工艺毕业设计)高压密封扣圈注塑成型工艺与模具设计
  • 下一篇:(代做注塑模具毕业设计)内盖注塑模设计
  • 暂无购买记录



    多重认证,精挑细选的优质资源 优质老师。





