


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥292
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-01)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


摘  要    
   Daily necessities, sometimes used in plastic transmission with low precision and strength, are attracted by more and more manufacturers and people because of their plasticity, small density, high strength, high chemical stability and diverse appearance. Plastic industry is a new industry, which is born with the development of the oil industry. At present, plastic parts have almost entered all industrial sectors and the daily life of the people. With the development of the electronics industry of the machinery industry, the aviation industry, the instrument and instrument industry and the daily necessities industry, the demand for plastic parts is more and more, and the quality requirements are getting higher and higher. This requires the development of moulds and the level of design and manufacture. This paper is a detailed introduction to the design of the injection mould for the pen cover. Each pen has a large hole, and the core needs side core pulling. This mold adopts the first mock exam twelve chamber, two sub type, point gate feeding, the spring and the oblique guide pin core pulling respectively. The main contents of the design include: the design of the cover of the pen, the selection of the material of the pen cover, the selection of the injection molding machine, the classification surface, the layout of the cavity, the calculation of the pouring system, the calculation of the size of the cavity, the selection of the thread core and the mold frame, the design of the ejection mechanism, the system of temperature regulation and the drawing of the assembly drawing and the drawing of the parts. This design is mainly through the process analysis of injection molding, lateral typing and core pulling mechanism design, focusing on the design of the side core pulling mechanism through the shape, size and precision requirements of the plastic parts. In this process, the force of the die is analyzed, the design of the mold release mechanism, the design of the model guiding mechanism, the design of the cooling system and the exhaust system are used, and a complete drawing of the die assembly and the main drawing of the die parts are drawn.
Key words: the injection mould of the pen cap; the cavity; the guide column.
目  录
引言 4
1.塑件工艺分析 9
2  型腔数目的确定 11
3  成型零部件的设计 12
3.1 型腔、型芯工作尺寸计算 12
3.2 成型零部件的强度与刚度计算 13
4  分型面的选择 14
5  浇注系统的设计 15
5.1 浇注系统的构成 15
5.2 浇注系统设计原则 15
5.3 主流道的设计 16
5.4 分流道的设计 18
5.4.4分流道的布置形式 21
5.5 冷料穴的设计 21
6  冷却系统的设计 21
6.1 模具温度的影响 21
6.2 冷却系统主要设计原则 23
6.3 冷却回路尺寸的确定及布置 23
6.4 冷却时间计算 25
6.5 用水量M的计算 26
6.6 成型周期计算 27
7  模具材料选择 27
7.1 模具满足工作条件要求 27
7.2 模具满足工艺性能要求 28
7.3 模具满足经济性要求 29
8  选择注射机 29
8.1 注射机型号选取 29
8.2注射机参数的校核 31
H最小< H模<H最大 32
9  模具主要参数的计算 33
9.1 脱模力的计算 33
9.2 初始脱模力 33
9.3 推杆直径计算 34
9.4 推杆的应力校核 34
9.5 推板的厚度计算 35
9.6 推出机构的设计 35
9.7  脱模方式的确定 36
10  模具结构设计 37
10.1 结构设计主要原则 37
10.2 模具强度的设计 38
11  排气系统的设计 40
11.1 排气会产生的缺点 40
11.2 排气方式及机构的设计 41
11.3 排气槽深度的设计 42
12 模架的选择 42
13  成型零件加工工艺规程 43
附 录 44
参考文献 45
  • 关键词 笔帽 注塑 模具设计 说明书 +cad+ 三维
  • 上一篇:摩托车弯板冲压及弯曲工艺分析及模具设计
  • 下一篇:斜齿轮注塑模具的设计(说明书+cad+ug三维)
  • 暂无购买记录



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