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  • 更新时间2024年
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The Influence of Electronic Commerce to International Trade and Countermeasures 
Abstract: Nowadays, with the deepening of economic globalization, international trade is growing stronger, and through the electronic commerce which serves as a kind of simple convenient and efficient way to trade, a lot of human resources and materials in international transaction are reduced. In addition, the arrival of e-commerce makes international trade can resort to the platform of Internet, and the buyers and sellers can trade on the platform at different times and different places. However, there are still many problems in China's foreign trade, such as imperfect infrastructure, low security and incomplete laws and regulations. Thus, in order to promote the development of international trade greatly, our government needs to increase investment in e-commerce: to accelerate the process of network infrastructure, enterprise information and the establishment of the enterprise credit system.
Key words: electronic commerce; international trade; influence; countermeasures
1 Introduction
China's e-commerce began to emerge in the 1990s when e-commerce was just a concept. There are some typical e-commerce enterprises, such as 8848, ebay, etc. With the gradual recognition of e-commerce, a number of e-commerce enterprises have emerged in the new century, ranging from B2B and B2C.
With the further deepening the continuous development of Internet industry, more and more people have been involved in the Internet industry, it is often the interest drives people’s act blindly. It has been three years that the Chinese Internet into the low tide, a lot of people give up the Internet, some enterprises have to adopt certain search strategy and even change their business. This has forced them to reposition and think about how to develop a new generation of e-commerce. So it can be said that the first step of development of e-commerce in China has began at this time.
E-commerce will become the core of the 21st century human information world and it is the development direction of network application with unpredictable growth prospects. E-commerce will also build a new economic and trade framework for the 21st century.
It is great strategic significance to develop electronic commerce, promote IT to propel industrialization, realize the leap-forward development and enhance the national competitiveness.
1 Introduction 1
2 Definition of E-commerce 2
3 Advantages of E-commerce 3
3.1 Reducing Transaction Costs 3
3.2 Reducing Raw Material Inventory 3
3.3 Shortening the Growth Cycle 4
3.4 Increasing Business Opportunities 4
3.5 Reducing?Intermediate?Links 5
4 The Influence of Electronic Commerce on International Trade Income and Analysis 5
4.1 The Influence of Electronic Commerce on International Trade Income and Analysis 5
    4.1.1 The Cost of Using Raw Materials is Lower.. ..........................................................................5
    4.1.2 Labor Costs is Lower...................................................................................................................6
4.1.3 Reduce the Marketing Costs ......................................................................................................6
4.2 Other Influences and Analysis of E-commerce on International Trade..................................7
5 Problems and Countermeasures of Developing E-commerce in China..............................................8
5.1 Problems of Developing E-commerce in China........................................................................8
5.2 Countermeasures of Developing E-commerce in China..........................................................9
6 Conclusion .11
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  • 关键词 电子商务 国际贸易 影响 对策 应用 英语论文
  • 上一篇:浅谈中国跨境电商的物流的困境及措施(商务英语论文)
  • 下一篇:浅谈跨文化交际(商务英语论文)
  • 暂无购买记录



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