


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥292
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-26)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


摘  要
我国的连续预应力混凝土结构起步晚,但近年来得到了飞速发展。现在,我国已经有了等截面梁、带铰或带挂梁的T构、连续梁、桁架拱、桁架梁和斜拉桥等连续预应力混凝土结构体系。虽然连续预应力混凝土桥梁的发展还不到80年。但是,在桥梁结构中,随着预应力理论的不断成熟和实践的不断发展,连续预应力混凝土桥梁结构的运用必将越来越广泛。我国自1956年建成第一座跨径20m的连续预应力混凝土梁桥后,在1970年河南省建成了跨径52m的鱼腹形连续预应力混凝土等截面梁桥,1988年浙江省建成了跨度为62m国内跨度最大的连续预应力混凝土等截面梁桥飞云江桥。近几年来,公路等截面梁桥大量应用跨径为40~50m的箱形梁或T形梁。连续预应力混凝土梁桥在我国展现了强大的生命力。本次设计的主要内容是关于深圳外环高速预应力等截面箱形梁桥的结构设计。设计跨度是3x40m,双向四车道,桥面宽度15m(0.5m防撞墙+4×3.5m行车道+0.5m防撞墙),采用单箱双室箱形截面,桥轴线为直线,荷载等级:公路I级汽车荷载,地震设防烈度:7级。梁高采用变高度梁,因梁桥在支点处截面的剪力过大,故在梁桥支点处选择变截面过渡,按一次曲线变化。利用软件Midas Civil 进行结构分析,根据桥梁的尺寸拟定建立桥梁基本模型,然后进行内力分析,计算配筋结果,进行施工各阶段分析及截面验算。
The prestressed concrete structure in our country started late, but it has been developing rapidly in recent years. Now, in China, some prestressed concrete structures, such as T structure, continuous beam, truss arch, truss beam and cable-stayed bridge, have been established with equal cross section beams, hinges or hanging beams. Although the development of prestressed concrete bridges is less than 80 years. However, in the bridge structure, with the continuous maturity of the theory of prestress and the continuous development of practice, the application of prestressed concrete bridge structure will be more and more extensive. Since China built the first prestressed concrete beam bridge with the first span of 20m in 1956, in 1970, the span of the span 52m was built in Henan province. In 1988, the largest span of the prestressed concrete beam bridge with the span of the largest span of the 62m was built in Zhejiang province. In recent years, the box girder or T beam with span 40 to 50m has been widely used for highway cross section girder bridges. Prestressed concrete beam bridge has shown great vitality in our country. The main content of this design is about the structural design of high-speed prestressed concrete box girder bridge in outer ring of Shenzhen. The design span is 3x40m, two-way four lane, the width of the bridge surface 15m (0.5m collision wall +4 x 3.5m road +0.5m collision avoidance wall), using a single box and double chamber box section, the axis of the bridge is straight line, load grade: Highway I car load, seismic fortification intensity: 7. Beam height adopts variable height beam. Because of the excessive shearing force at the pivot section of the girder bridge, the cross section transition is chosen at the fulcrum of the girder bridge, and it varies according to the primary curve. The structure analysis is carried out by the software Midas Civil, the bridge basic model is established according to the size of the bridge, then the internal force analysis is carried out, the results of the reinforcement are calculated, and the analysis of various stages of the construction and the cross section checking are carried out.
Key words: prestressed concrete, equal section, box girder, structural analysis, internal force checking calculation
第一章  绪论 1
1.1概述 1
1.2连续预应力混凝土等截面梁桥的受力特点: 1
1.3连续预应力混凝土梁桥发展综述 2
1.4我国高速公路桥梁的发展: 4
1.4..2我国高速公路桥梁建设特点 5
1.5桥梁设计的基本原则: 6
1.6连续预应力混凝土等截面梁桥的特点 7
1.7连续预应力混凝土梁桥施工技术 8
1.8毕业设计的主要内容 8
1.9毕业设计的目的和意义 9
第二章  设计要点及构造、材料、尺寸的拟定 10
2.1桥型选取的基本原则: 10
2.2设计的基本资料: 10
2.3箱形截面桥梁的具有以下特点: 10
2.4主要技术标准: 11
2.5主要材料及材料性能: 11
2.6设计参数取值 11
2.7结构概述 13
2.8计算原则及控制标准 15
第三章  结构有限元模型的建造过程 15
3.1 Midas Civil软件介绍 16
3.2模型建立过程 17
第四章  主梁作用效应计算 30
4.1作用分类 31
4.2公路预应力钢筋混凝土(PSC)桥梁设计设计验算内容 32
结 论 86
参考文献: 88
第一章  绪论
  • 关键词 深圳 外环 高速 3x40m 截面 箱梁
  • 上一篇:驻马店市财苑宾馆建筑工程设计
  • 下一篇:绿博半岛12号楼桩基设计及地基稳定性评价
  • 暂无购买记录



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