


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥309
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-29)
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The Process Design of  Caustic Soda Based on 100kt/a
Abstract: membrane caustic soda alkali method is a new technology of today's rise in the chlor alkali industry, this paper introduces the characteristics of denitrification process of caustic soda by membrane method, and the existing production methods, to determine the nitrate removal process in the development of space on the advantages of membrane caustic soda. This paper introduces the system in addition to the production process of caustic soda denitrification process of membrane, brine, electrolysis, evaporation, protopine section to do the design and selection process. Material balance and provide the basis for the selection of electrolyzer electrolyzer according to the requirements of the annual output of 600 thousand tons of demand, lye evaporation of material balance and heat balance with the calculation, to determine the selected amount of the alkali treatment process. Through consulting documents and periodicals, we choose the most advanced and suitable n-BiTAC electrolytic cell for chlorine production at the same time. According to the evaporation of lye evaporation by 32% to the requirements of the design to meet the caustic soda evaporation need double countercurrent evaporation process, at the same time, the structure and material of the main equipment for the design, material. Designed a set of evaporation chamber for the diameter of 2.9m, high 2.814m, heating chamber is 1.5m diameter, high 4m forced external circulation evaporator. Finally, according to the literature and calculation results, drawing the control point, process flow chart and equipment drawing according to the 93 standard.
Key words: refined brine; caustic soda membrane process; Denitration Process; evaporator



目  录
摘要 I
Abstract Ⅱ
引言 1
第一章  工艺路线的选择 2
第二章  精制盐水工段 3
2.1 精盐水指标 3
2.2 原盐质量 3
2.3 淡盐水脱氯及过碱量控制 4
2.4 粗盐水含量、温度以及流量 4
2.5 精制剂的配制 4
2.6 助沉剂配制 5
2.7 精制反应时间 5
2.8 炭素管过滤器性质及工作要求 5
2.9 树脂塔的操作要点 5
2.9.1 树脂塔最大流量 5
2.9.2 盐水温度 5
2.9.3 盐水pH值 6
2.9.4 树脂塔压差控制 6
第三章  电解工段的物料衡算 7
3.1烧碱膜法交换原理 7
3.2电解槽内物料衡算 7
3.2.1计算依据 7
3.2.2计划任务 7
3.2.3电解槽选型 7
3.2.4物料衡算 8
第四章  电解液蒸发 11
4.1蒸发概论 11
4.1.1碱液蒸发的基本概念 11
4.1.2烧碱膜法碱液蒸发的特点 11
4.2蒸发流程及设备类型选择 11
4.2.1蒸发流程 11
4.2.2蒸发设备 13
4.3蒸发工艺计算 14
4.3.1蒸发水量的计算 14
4.3.2各效传热温度差的计算 15
4.3.3各效物料、热量衡算 17
4.3.4各效所需传热面积的计算 19
4.3.5试差计算 19
第五章  固碱工艺 25
5.1固碱流程选择 25
5.2固碱热量、物料衡算 25
5.2.1降膜蒸发器 25
5.2.2降膜浓缩器 26
5.3烧碱膜法固碱种类 27
第六章  主要设备选型和设计 29
6.1电解槽选型及依据 29
6.2蒸发设备的计算 31
6.2.1蒸发器加热管数及加热室直径的计算 31
6.2.2蒸发器循环管的计算 32
6.2.3蒸发器分离室的计算 32
6.2.4接管尺寸的计算 33
结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37


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  • 关键词 年产 60 万吨 烧碱 膜法 工艺 流程设计
  • 上一篇:20万吨乙醇与水混合溶液板式精馏塔设计
  • 下一篇:电化学法讲解有机污染物
  • 暂无购买记录



    多重认证,精挑细选的优质资源 优质老师。





