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  • 更新时间2024年
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The Research about Verbal Humor of Modern Family under the Cooperative Principle
Abstract: In daily life, communication is essential.This thesis?concentrates on?the cooperative principle and humor, and then analyses the verbal humor in Modern Family under the cooperative principle. Learning how to communicate with people better and more effective by analyzing the cooperative principle, exploring the four quantities of cooperative principle and the classification of humor and the research of humor in the Modern Family under the cooperative principle.The main research method of this thesis is literary research.
Key words: Verbal humor; modern family; cooperative principle
1  Introduction
1.1 Definition of cooperative Principle
American famous language philosopher H.P.Grace put forward the cooperative principle when he gave a speech at Harvard in 1967. In the process of communicate, Grace thought the two sides seem to follow a certain principle consciously or unconsciously, in order to communicate effectively. So the cooperative principle was proposed by Grace. The definition of it is,making what people say, at the stage of its occurrence, comply with the accepted purpose or direction of the talk in which you are engaged.
1.2 Definition of Humor
Humor is funny and meaningful. It is a loan word. The extensive use of humor can be attributed to the British dramatist Ben Jonson. His works are famous because of humor. Humor is an ancient subject, the origin of the theory of humor is the Greek Plato and the Aristotle, and it is modifying, testing and in the later centuries constantly.
1.3The organization of the thesis
   Chapter one is an introductory chapter, which offers definition of cooperative principle and humor.
   Chapter two analyzes cooperative principle thoroughly, including four quantities: the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relation and the maxim of manner. There are also some examples when the four quantities are violated.
   Chapter three is regard to humor. This chapter introduces superiority theory, relief theory, incongruity theory, frame-shifting theory, conceptual integration theory and relation theory.
Chapter four is about the research about verbal humor of modern family under the cooperative principle with some examples.
    The last chapter is conclusion.
2  Study of cooperative Principle 
2.1 The four quantities
    In the Logic and conversation, Grace put forward that the cooperative principle, including four categories: the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relation and the maxim of manner. A norm and some subordinate norms constitute every category.
2.1.1The maxim of quantity
The maxim of quantity is that the two sides should ensure that the information they have said meet the needs of communication. When people answer the others’ question or in common, they shouldn’t give any extra answers. In short, this maxim has two criterion:
A)What people say should satisfy the amount of information in a communication.
B)What people say shouldn’t exceed the amount of information in a communication.
2.1.2 The maxim of quality
     The maxim of quality requires the information is true when they communicate with others. If the words and answers are false, people shouldn’t talk about it. In other words, this maxim has two norms:
A)Do not say what is wrong.
B)Do not say what is short of enough evidence. 
2.1.3 The maxim of relation
     The maxim of relation is that the words and content people say ought to be related. The speaker must be consistent in the content of the conversation. 
2.1.4 The maxim of manner
     The maxim of manner requires people should be perspicuous in the communication. In other words, people should avoid the use of ambiguous words. In short, this maxim is consisted of four norms.
A)Avoid unclear in meaning.
B)Avoid indeterminacy.
C)Be concise.
D)Be sequential.
2.2 Violation of maxims
     However, people don’t always follow the cooperative principle in the practical communication. People will violate the cooperative principle deliberately because of necessity. Grace put forward specific meaning of conversation. This explain the listener understands the implication by superficial meaning of words. So the humor appears.    
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Definition of cooperative principle
1.2 Definition of humor
1.3 The organization of the thesis 
Chapter 2 Study of cooperative principle 
2.1 The four quantities
 2.1.1 The maxim of quantity
 2.1.2 The maxim of quality
 2.1.3The maxim of relation
 2.1.4 The maxim of manner
2.2 Violation of maxims
 2.2.1 Violation of quantity maxim
 2.2.2 Violation of quality maxim
 2.2.3 Violation of relation maxim
 2.2.4 Violation of manner maxim
Chapter 3 Study of humor
3.1 The classification of humor
 3.1.1 Verbal humor 
 3.1.2 Cultural humor
 3.1.3 Universal humor
3.2 The traditional theory of humor
 3.2.1Superiority theory
 3.2.2 Relief theory
 3.2.3 Incongruity theory
3.3Study of humor in cognition
 3.3.1 Frame-shifting theory
 3.3.2 Conceptual integration theory
 3.3.3 Relation theory
Chapter 4 Study of humor in Modern Family
4.1 The introduction of Modern Family 
4.2 The study of humor under cooperative principle
 4.2.1 Cultural humor (3 examples in Modern Family)
 4.2.2 Verbal humor (3 examples in Modern Family)
 4.2.3 Universal humor (3 examples in Modern Family)
Chapter 5 Conclusion
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  • 关键词 合作 原则 视角 摩登家庭 言语 幽默 研究 英语论文
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  • 下一篇:商务英语在中国加入WTO后的新趋势
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