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  • 更新时间2024年
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   当前我国社会养老保险的运营主要采用“新农保”模式,即养老待遇由社会统筹与个人账户相结合,与家庭养老、土地保障、社会救助等其他社会保障政策措施相配套,是由政府组织实施的一项社会商业保险和养老保险 制度。与“旧农保”相比,“新农保”具有广覆盖、保基本、有弹性、可持续的特点,但随着时代的发展,“新农保”政策存在的一系列问题也在逐步凸显,例如,缴费档次普遍较低,养老金待遇水平低;社保基金监管增值不能达到有效目的等。因此,在目前老龄化问题日趋严重,社会养老保险运营面临困境的情况下,“政府购买公司服务”新模式应运而生。本文以广东省为例,对已参与农村社会养老保险运营的商业保险公司进行调查,了解其运营原理、存在的问题以及未来的发展,并研究相关文献。在此基础上,以广东省主要商业保险公司为例,对未参与农村社会养老保险运营的商业保险公司进行调查,深入探究其参与意愿以及影响其参与意愿的因素,并且提出促进该模式运营的建议。
关键词:  养老保险  问题  完善
China's current social endowment insurance operation mainly adopts the new agricultural insurance mode, namely pension treatment by a combination of social pooling and individual accounts, and family pension, land security, social assistance and other social security policies and measures, is organized and implemented by the government of a social endowment insurance system. Compared with the "old agricultural insurance", "new agriculture" has wide coverage, basic, flexible and sustainable features, but with the development of the times, "a series of problems of the new agricultural insurance policy has also gradually highlight, for example, pay grade is generally low, the low level of supervision of social security pension benefits; the fund value can not achieve the effective goal. Therefore, at present, the aging problem is becoming more and more serious, and the operation of social endowment insurance is facing difficulties. The new mode of "government procurement of company services" arises at the historic moment. Taking Guangdong Province as an example, this paper investigates the Business insurance company who has been involved in the operation of rural social endowment insurance, understands its operation principles, existing problems and future development, and studies related literature. On this basis, the main Business insurance company of Guangdong Province as an example, carries on the investigation to the rural social endowment insurance did not participate in the operation of the Business insurance company, exploring factors and their willingness to participate in the influence of their willingness to participate, and put forward the mode of operation of the proposal.
Key words: the improvement of the pension insurance problem
一、养老保险的概述 3
(一)养老保险的基本含义 3
(二)商业保险和养老保险制度的种类 3
(三)、养老保险的特点 4
二、广东省商业保险和养老保险 制度的现状 4
(一)基本养老保险存在的问题 : 8
(二) 农村保险存在的问题及原因 10
四 完善广东省商业保险和养老保险制制度的建议 12
(一)要进一步完善城镇职工基本商业保险和养老保险 制度 12
(二)要建立多层次的、统一的、覆盖城乡的社会养老体系 13
(三)要发挥公共财政在社会养老保险中的主导作用 14
五 对养老问题未来可研究方向的思考 14
参考文献 15
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【27】(British) Williamson, Ma Shengjie; Law Press of the research series on contemporary social security system; 2002
【28】Liu Changping, Yin Baoming, Xie Ting; a series of books on pension research, China Social Science Press, 2008-10
【29】Chen Gong; "Research on the issue of China's social security financing"; China financial and Economic Publishing House, 2010-11
【30】Dong Keyong, Wang Yan; "Social Security Series in twenty-first Century? Endowment insurance"; Renmin University of China press; 2002
  • 关键词 广东省 商业保险 参与 农村 社会 养老保险 探究
  • 上一篇:学前教育本科男生专业认同的现状研究——以贵州师范学院14、15级学前教育本科为例
  • 下一篇:特训学校青少年孤独感的改善方案设计
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