


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥295
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-28)
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Research on Iron ImpurityRemovingof Casting AluminiumAlloy
Abstract:Iron is a certain impurity element in aluminum alloy, which can be easily enriched in the process of aluminum alloy production and regeneration, thus reducing the quality of the sustainable utilization of aluminumalloy. The iron element is easy to exist in the aluminum alloy and becomes the potential energy failure in aluminum alloy workpiece. In the domestic and foreign aluminum industry, there are many effective fluxes to remove impurity elements in aluminum alloy, but the process of removing iron in aluminum alloy is not fully mature. Along with the rise of secondary aluminum industry, aluminum alloy iron removal techniques have conducted a lot of scientific research, but now only the sorting physical method is widely used, such as iron and aluminum alloy chemical method to remove only a small amount of experiment reports, it is not widely used in foundry, so to further in-depth research. This project mainly studies the casting aluminum alloy of certain iron content, and achieves better practical application effect by adjusting the composition and process. The impurity iron is now the development of aluminum industry, the biggest obstacle in the breakthrough, the removal of impurity iron is very important to improve the performance of aluminum products
In this experiment, two methods were used to remove the impurity iron in the aluminum alloy and make the aluminum products more "clean". The first method is to use boride additive chemical method to remove iron, and the second method is to remove excess iron phase with electromagnetic purification technology. The majority of the impurity iron in aluminum alloy is in the form of the second phase rich iron phase in the aluminum alloy. In this paper, the migration of fe - alloy cylindrical specimens with impurity iron in different separation time was studied. Experimental data show that as the separation of time delay, a growing number of iron-rich phase from the edge of the central region moved to the place, when the time reach 50 seconds, the vast majority of iron-rich phase are migrated to the edge of the specimen, uniform distribution on the surface. When more than 50 seconds, due to the rapid increase in the induction heat, the turbulent flow of the melt has affected the separation effect with the separation of the ferritic phase and the core of the sample. So the purification time is 50 seconds for optimal separation time.
Keywords: Cast aluminium alloy; borax; Impurity iron; Electromagnetic purification; Al - 5% Fe alloy
第一章绪论 4
1.1中国铝业现在的发展及未来的发展趋势 4
1.2 铝的特性以及性能 5
1.3铝中的杂质物 6
1.4铁元素在铝合金中的存在形式以及危害 7
1.5去除铝合金中铁杂质现有的研究状况 8
1.5.1 重力沉降法 8
1.5.2  离心去除法 8
1.5.3  热处理 9
1.5.4电磁分离法 9
1.5.5提高冷却速度 9
1.6本文的研究意义及主要内容 9
第二章实验方法 11
2.1实验材料 11
2.2 实验铝铁合金成分以及组织 11
2.3 添加剂硼化物 11
2.4 分析的方法 11
2.4.1金相显微镜分析方法 11
2.4.2 力学性能检测 12
2.4.3 金属成分的分析 13
第三章添加剂为硼化物的除铁研究 15
3.1 引言 15
3.2 除铁方法 15
3.3 氧化硼除去铝合金中杂质铁的理论分析 15
3.4 硼砂除去铝合金中杂质铁的分析 17
3.5本章小结 18
第四章电磁分离去除铸造铝合金中杂质铁的研究 19
4.1 电磁分离法去除铁的原理 19
4.2 电磁分离技术特点 19
4.3 电磁分离法去除铁工艺 20
4.4 电磁净化过后效果的分析 21
4.4.1组织成分分析 21
4.4.2 试样合金电磁分离后的成分分布 22
4.4.3力学性能的分析 22
4.4.4 在不同的时间下试样铁相的分离的状况 23
4.5电磁分离技术对其他非金属化合物的去除杂质 25
4.6本章小结 28
第五章全文总结 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31
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  • 关键词 铸造 铝合金 去除 杂质 研究
  • 上一篇:ZL102拨叉的铸造工艺设计
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