


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥293
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-30)
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关键词:高档酒店; 跨文化交流;语言障碍
A Study of Language Barriers in the Work of Foreign Managers in Upscale Hotels 
Abstract: With the continuous development of economic globalization, cross-cultural communication has get more and more frequent. It has become a normal situation that people with different family backgrounds and ideas, coming from different countries and regions work together. It caused the language barriers. The foreign managers who are working in the upscale hotels often encounter the language barriers. They bring about a number of trouble for the foreign managers’ work. The thesis specifically introduces the causes of language barriers, the influence of language barriers and ways to solve the language barriers.
Key words: Upscale Hotels; Cross-culture Communication; Language Barriers
With the acceleration of the process of world economic integration and the continuous development of economic globalization, business communication activities have emerged among people of different cultural backgrounds. At the same time, cross-cultural communication has become more and more frequent. In this process, when people with different family backgrounds and ideas, from different countries and regions, work together, there are always many inappropriate situations. It also makes the language barriers become a common phenomenon. The resulting collisions and conflicts are unavoidable in the process of cross-cultural communication. 
This problem also exists in upscale hotels. Since foreign managers have different cultural backgrounds, they always encounter various problems in their work. The failure of many transnational corporations shows that cultural adaptation and cultural conflict resolution are important factors to successful transnational operations. Therefore, it is very important to find a solution according to the problems brought about by cross-cultural communication.
Language is inseparable from culture, and different cultural languages are bound to bear the imprint of their own national culture and are rich in the unique connotations of their own national culture. Cross-cultural communication is not only the exchange of two languages, but also the exchange of two cultures. Due to differences in culture and language, there are various obstacles in cross-cultural communication for foreign managers. According to studies, cultural differences inevitably lead to language barriers in cross-cultural communication. Therefore, in order to reduce the language barriers arising from work, and enhance cross-cultural understanding, it is particularly important to learn different cultural knowledge and strengthen cultural communication. As the main media of human information exchange, language is also a tool for human beings to abstractly think and describe the world. Different cultures have different language systems. Language is not only an integral part of culture, but also helps mankind to create a new culture. Every aspect of human life is influenced by culture and changes with culture. Each culture has a certain language model and reflects a certain behavior. Therefore, for foreign managers working in upscale hotels, in order to avoid misunderstandings, they need to understand the knowledge of cross-cultural communication and conduct effective communication so as to establish a good relationship. On the basis of this, recognizing differences and improving cross-cultural communication skills can help foreign managers reduce language barriers. 
Cross-cultural business communication is a sign of the development of modern society. With the acceleration of economic development in various countries in the world, the process of cooperation between countries and the speed of international economic integration has accelerated. More importantly, cross-cultural business communication has become inevitable. Cross-cultural communication is not only a diplomatic need but also a business need. In large companies like upscale hotels, cross-cultural business communication occurs every day. However, through the increasingly frequent cross-cultural business communication at this level, it can be found that the difficulty of cross-cultural communication is also increasing, and barriers to cross-cultural business communication have formed an insurmountable gap. These problems often arise, mainly because cross-cultural exchanges face various backgrounds of different countries and regions, such as people's different growing environments, different historical, geographical, political, economic, legal, and cultural backgrounds. In order to reduce the occurrence of such incidents, research and discussion on language barriers in business communication have become an effective way to strengthen cooperation and communication among employees and improve the work efficiency.
To master foreign culture and communication skills as much as possible during the exchange process will help strengthen the fluency of business exchanges between the two countries. It is a normal phenomenon that communication barriers exist in cross-cultural business communication activities. Foreign managers must reduce language barriers as much as possible so that they can better communicate with colleagues of different cultural backgrounds in their work and achieve smooth work.
This article starts with cross-cultural communication, analyzes the causes of language barriers encountered by foreign managers in upscale hotels, and proposes solutions. The purpose is to help foreign managers strengthen communication and cooperation with employees from different cultures and to reduce the incidence of language barriers encountered in the work. 
2 Causes of Language Barriers
In the work, employees from different nationalities and cultures have different understandings of the same word, the same phrase, and the same sentence. This results from their unique geographical environment, historical culture, language habits and other factors influencing their language expressions. 
There are many causes that lead to language barriers. This thesis explores the causes of language barriers encountered by foreign managers in upscale hotels from five perspectives, the differences in the geographical environment and cultural backgrounds, the differences in the understanding of the vocabulary, the differences in the culture and expression habits, the differences in the thinking and way of expression and the differences in the order of speech. 1  Introduction
2  Causes of Language Barriers
2.1  Differences in the Geographic Locations and Cultural Backgrounds
2.2  Differences in the Understanding of Vocabulary 
2.3  Differences in the Culture and Express Habits
2.4  Differences in the Thinking and Way of Expression
2.5  Differences in the Order of Speech 
3  Impacts of Language Barriers
4 Solutions to the Language Barriers
4.1  Establish the Awareness of Cultural Differences
4.2  Understand and Learn Different Cultures
4.3  Strengthen the Communication 
5  ConclusionBibliography: 
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  • 关键词 高档 酒店 外国 经理人 工作 中的 语言障碍 研究
  • 上一篇:酒店客房预订服务中存在的问题及对策研究 ——以上海新世界丽笙酒店为例
  • 下一篇:钱江新城假日酒店无线WIFI项目设计
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