


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥299
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-05-13)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

摘  要



The pratice and thinking of
building a harmonious ralationship
 between the pepole and police in the new situation


is an important part of harmonious society, in the new period, further close relation between the police and the people, is the implementation of the important thought of the practice of law enforcement for the people, is a purpose for people put one's heart and soul into the practical requirements , is to complete the mission objectives, is to promote the sustainable development of the public security work objective need. This paper provides an overview of the relationship, the harmonious relationship between concepts, and then discusses the harmonious relationship between the position in harmonious society, the harmonious relationship between standard and significance. On this basis, combining the current situation of China's public security organs in the construction of the harmonious relationship between the achievements and shortcomings, and then from the public security organ itself, the public, the social three aspects analyzes the main reason affecting the relationship harmony, last focal point discussed the Countermeasures of constructing harmonious relationship between police and people, including sticking to scientific development concept to guide the work of public security, the public security organs to strengthen oneself construction, strengthen the construction of the police public relations, with a view to the public security force shaping a good image of the public security organ, for the public to understand and support, optimize the environment, promote the police law enforcement police functions, mobilize social forces to maintain social order, further enhance the people's sense of security and satisfaction the target, thus building a harmonious relationship between the police and the people.

Keywords:construction   the harmonious relationship between the police and the        people     practice   thinking

目    录
摘  要 1
一、 和谐警民关系的现实解读 1
(一)警民关系的含义及特征 2
1、警民关系的含义 2
2、警民关系的特征 2
(二)和谐警民关系的含义及特征 2
1、和谐警民关系的含义 2
2、和谐警民关系的特征 3
(三)构建和谐警民关系的意义 4
3、构建和谐警民关系是践行科学开展观的必然要求。 5
4、构建和谐警民关系是“全心全意为人民服务”根本宗旨的体现。 6
5、构建和谐警民关系是维护社会稳定,维护党和政府形象的需要。 6
6、构建和谐警民关系是强化对敌斗争的需要。 6
二 、警民关系的现状分析 8
(一)公安机关在构建和谐警民关系中取得的成绩 8
(二)当前警民关系不和谐的主要表现 8
1、民警与人民群众之间的隔阂和距离逐步增大。 8
2、少数民警仍然存在特权思想和“冷、硬、横、推”现象。 9
5、部分民警自身缺乏过硬的综合素质。 10
三、当前影响警民关系和谐的主要因素 10
(一)来自公安机关内部的原因 10
1、执法管理滞后不前。 10
2、队伍素质参差不齐。 11
(二)来自公众方面的原因 11
1、期望过高、认识偏颇。 11
2、职业隔亥、阶层偏见。 12
3、社风凋谢、配合欠佳。 12
1、行政干预,滥用警力。 12
2、鱼目混珠,损害形象。 13
四、 构建和谐警民关系的对策 13
〔一〕坚持以科学发展观统领公安工作 13
1、要把促进构建和谐警民关系作为衡量公安工作的主要标准。 13
2、要把维护人民群众的合法权益作为构建和谐警民关系的出发点和落脚点。 14
3、要把维护社会公平正义作为构建和谐警民关系的生命线。 14
〔二〕加强公安机关自身建设 14
1、加强教育,提高民警综合素质。 14
2、加强内部协调,增强公安机关凝聚力。 16
3、在处置群众上访及拆迁等工作中要时刻坚持“慎用警力、慎用强制措施、慎用警械”原则。 17
4、严格规范各类非警务活动。 17
(三)加强警察公共关系建设 17
1、要加强对警察公共关系的内部宣传教育力度。 17
2、要高度重视警察与新闻媒体之间的关系。 18
结语 19
致谢 20

结   语


   http://www.bylw520.net/html/2998.html  http://www.bysj360.com/  http://www.bysj360.com/html/4118.html    http://www.caddown.com/


  • 关键词 基层 公安机关 和谐 警民 关系 建设 途径
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