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  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥296
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摘要:词汇是学习语言的基础,也是英语学习的重要组成部分。词汇的掌握对学习者的听、说、读、写、译等各项语言技能有重要影响。英国语言学家D.A.Wilkins 也曾说:“没有语法,表达不了多少东西;没有词汇,就什么也表达不了。”教材对于词汇设计安排合理与否很大程度上决定了大学英语课堂在有限时间内帮助学生提高运用英语知识能力的程度。因此,高质量的教材尤其是词汇学习的合理安排是各个高校选择教材的一个重要标准。本文将对新视野大学英语中的词汇做一个初步的探索与分析,从单词的分类,语法,翻译,背诵,学习以及生活中实践的运用,到词汇对于英语学习的重要性。从而可以提高学习者的学习能力和效率。

A Brief Study of New Words in New Horizon College English  

Abstract: Vocabulary is the foundation of learning language, and also an important part of English learning. The mastery of vocabulary plays an important role in language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. D.A.Wilkins, a British linguist, once said, "without grammar, you can not express much; you can't express anything without words." The reasonable arrangement of vocabulary design in the textbook determines the degree to which college English classroom can help students improve their ability to use English knowledge in a limited time. Therefore, high quality teaching materials, especially the reasonable arrangement of vocabulary learning, is an important criterion for each university to choose teaching materials. This article will make a preliminary exploration and analysis of the vocabulary in the new field of vision, from the classification, grammar, translation, recitation, learning and the practical use of life to the importance of vocabulary for English learning. It can improve learners' learning ability and efficiency.

Key words: vocabulary; New Horizon College English;College vocabulary

Sheldon (1987) proposed that teaching materials are the heart of foreign language learning. In our country's college English learning, the focus of teaching has shifted from high school grammar to vocabulary, and its complexity, diversity and variability will inevitably lead to different treatment methods. The first edition of New Horizon divides vocabulary teaching into eight levels. Meet the vocabulary requirements of the syllabus. In the compilation process, a special corpus is also provided to estimate the final scale of about 1.5 million words, providing a platform for further English learning for students. In addition, the proportion of new words in the reading of texts is 4.60%~5.37%, which is in line with the reading laws of students. The vocabulary arrangement from simple to complex, from easy to difficult to be gradual and orderly. Teachers reflect that of teaching materials is rich in vocabulary and conducive to the development of extracurricular reading ability. However, teachers also reflect that the vocabulary of this set of teaching materials is relatively large, and the reproduction rate of new words in ordinary learning is not high. In addition, the first edition of New Horizon has a novel title and a large amount of questions on the exercises related to new words. The targeted exercises and extensions of key words still need to be improved. The teacher's book has provided teachers with powerful teaching references. However, the explanation of individual key vocabularies is not detailed, which has caused situations in which the arrangements of various teaching activities do not coincide with the actual teaching. The second edition of "New Horizon" inherited the first edition. It emphasized the advantages of rich vocabulary and strong sense of the times. It has a certain improvement in the word recurrence rate. It is worth mentioning that vocabulary practice is closely related to textbooks. Help students consolidate new words and strengthen their memory.In terms of grading and sorting, the third edition of "College of English Intensive Reading" classifies words into three categories based on vocabulary and vocabulary usage: (1) Words that can be mastered through repeated practice; (2) Ability to remember lines, causes, and meanings; (3)The words can be used to identify the meaning of words next time; and further adjust the exercises to ensure the recurrence rate of commonly used words. The space of the article is also in line with the linear method of gradual and deep, step by step, to arrange the content of the teaching, in line with the cognitive laws of language learning. The compilation of words in this set of teaching materials conforms to the laws of English language learning and the requirements of grade 46 and grade 6. The language is rigorous, the recurrence rate of new words is relatively high, and the span of vocabulary design arrangement is relatively small. The student questionnaire reflects that the exercise design is scientific and reasonable, and has a strong pertinence, which is conducive to students' consolidation of new words. And its disadvantage is that the choice of vocabulary lacks sense of the times. In addition, although the difficulty gradient is relatively small, and the reproduction rate of new words is high, some students with more spare energy have reported that more vocabulary words have been learned in high school and it is difficult to arouse students' interest. In short, this set of textbooks is a set of traditional college English textbooks. It meets the outline requirements and the general rules of English learning in terms of vocabulary design arrangements, but it lacks a sense of the times and lacks changes in its form.
1 Introduction 1
2.1 The classification, quantity and law of the part of speech  3
2.2 The classification and rule of Chinese translation 5
3 Vocabulary learning planning 5
3.1 The Combination of Vocabulary Learning Strategies and New Horizon College English 5
3.2 Vocabulary memory method 9
4 An Analysis of the Application of Vocabulary in New Horizon College English in CET-4 Examination 9
5 Conclusion 13
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[4]Weden, A. & Rubin, J. Learning Strategies in Language Learning. Prentice-Hall. 1987.
[6]王文宇. 观念、策略与英语词汇记忆[J].外语教学与研究, 1998,1.
[11]郑树棠.新视野大学英语[M].北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,2008:i.

  • 关键词 新视野 大学英语 词汇 初探 英语论文
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