


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥294
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-29)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)


摘要:小鹿情感,主要是分析两性情感,主要从男性的角度,帮助有情感问题的男性去解决情感上遇到的问题。并且针对 怎样追女生,怎样挽回女友,怎样保持长期情感等,给与男性帮助,退相互各种类型的课程,男性去购买课程学习,导师全程跟踪帮助男性,也有一对一全辅导的。
Analysis of Marketing Strategy of "Fawn's Emotion" Consulting App
Abstract: The deer's emotions mainly analyze the gender emotions, mainly from the men's point of view, and help men with emotional problems to solve the emotional problems. And for how to chase girls, how to restore their girlfriends, how to maintain long-term emotions, etc., give men help, retreat from each other's various types of courses, men go to buy courses, mentors help track and assist men, but also have one-on-one counseling.
According to the “China's Emotional Marriage and Family Psychology Service Consumption Industry Development Report”, we can analyze that in China, the disparity in the proportion of men and women, the decline in marital well-being, the continued high divorce rate, the changes in the mobile Internet’s behavior of dating friends, and the emotional upgrading of consumers It has a driving effect on the emotional consumer market. In particular, consumption upgrades have become a powerful growth point for consumers in the context of consumer upgrades. Emotional content, emotional counseling, and psychological counseling are more effective solutions to emotional problems and the pursuit of higher quality services. The way of experiencing this provides a strong guarantee for the development of the emotional consumer market.
Relative to the United States, China’s emotional consumption has only just begun. According to the data in the report, China’s potential emotional consumer users reached 900 million. Under such a huge market demand in China, the emotional consumer market in China has grown rapidly after 2015, and various emotional problems between the domestic sexes have become more and more. Many, such as singles, breakups, derailment, domestic violence, divorce, etc., all constitute a huge emotional consumer market.
The charm power is different from the dating service provided by the traditional marriage website. It highly focuses on the consumption of emotional content and upgrades it into an emotional big IP of the deer, which will satisfy the user's deeper emotional needs. Through the continuous absorption of integrated marriage and family counselors, data management system to match and solve the matching problem of users and consultants, and the use of evolutionary psychology, sexual relations and other professional theoretical basis, deer emotions provide users with practical and efficient solutions. .
The United States has 168,000 emotions in 2016, and the annual value of marriage, family, and psychological service employees exceeds $8 billion (approximately RMB 52 billion) in market value. In contrast, China, which is four times more populous than the United States, currently has only 12,000 employees in the marriage, family, and emotional industries, which is only less than 7% of the United States.
It is expected that in the next 20 years, there will be a shortfall of nearly 500,000 people in marriage, family and emotional employees, and the potential market will be between 500 and 80 billion.
Keywords: emotional industry, deer emotion
1、 对小鹿情感app的情况进行介绍,主要包括软件开发背景、发展历史、营销策略、软件排版等方面;
2、 网络营销策略的概念,主要包括其含义、成因,网络营销策略的类型和特征;
3、 讨论小鹿情感在网络营销策略上的主次问题,建议可以将重点回归实体,小鹿情感的课程运营可以将全渠道战略调整为线上为主,线下为辅,线上服务线下的主次分明的战略,发挥互联网的优势。
摘要 1
一、介绍 2
二、提出问题 3
三、研究范围 3
四、研究方法 4
(一)涉及理论 4
五、分析部分 5
(一) 行业软件分析 5
1. 行业介绍 5
2. “小鹿情感”app介绍 8
(二) PEST分析 10
(三)消费者需求分析???? 12
(四)竞争对手分析? 12
(五)SWOT分析 13
六、营销策略分析 14
(一)行业发展前景探索 14
(二) 4P策略分析 15
1.产品策略 15
2.价格策略 17
3.渠道策略 19
4.促销策略 19
七、问题和解决方案 22
(一) 目前存在的问题 22
(二) 解决方案 23
八、 结论 26
参考文献 27
  • 关键词 小鹿情感 咨询 app 营销 策略 分析
  • 上一篇:冰雪皇后(DQ)无锡市场营销策略分析
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