


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥299
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-27)
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摘  要


关键词:审计增信风险; 企业治理;风险控制
tudy on Audit Risk and its Control Strategies

    From the point of view of internal audit of its nature, formation and support all aspects of the theory, it and external audits have a lot of different places. The internal audit function is to oversee the company's internal accounts, so as to achieve the protection of the owner's property security. Modern internal audit function is assurance and advisory, there is the increase in the value of corporate functions. Internal audit is an important part of corporate governance; its purpose is to achieve the shareholders and other stakeholders to maximize the value. Audit is essentially a special economic control.
  In China's economic restructuring and opening up the process, how to guard against financial risks, build a scientific and effective financial safety management system, has been a major theoretical and practical issues are long-term concern. In this paper, based on this first made around the audit and corporate governance issues in detail; secondly according to existing listed companies in China's internal audit situation, combined with practical experience in the analysis of the internal audit deficiencies listed companies in China's internal audit and suggest improvements and methods recommendations.

 Keywords: audit risk; Corporate Governance; Risk Control

前  言 6
第1章 绪   论 8
第1.1节 选题背景 8
第1.2节 研究内部审计增信风险的内容 8
第2章 审计增信风险控制与防范相关理论 10
第2.1节 审计增信风险的概念 10
第2.2节审计增信风险的特征 12
第2.3节审计增信风险的类别 13
第3章 审计增信风险产生的原因 15
第3.1节 审计增信风险形成的主观原因 15
第3.2节 审计增信风险形成的客观原因 15
第4章 审计增信风险存在的主要环节 17
第4.1节 签订审计约定书环节的风险 17
第4.2节 审计抽样的风险 17
第4.3节 审计取证环节的风险 18
第4.4节 审计报告环节的风险 18
第5章 审计在公司治理中的作用 20
第5.1节 增加企业的价值 20
第5.2节 保证和咨询作用 21
第5.3节 有利于完善公司治理结构 22
第6章 审计增信风险的控制与防范 23
第6.1节 提高内部审计的独立性 23
第6.2节 改进审计技术和方法 25
第6.3节 合理进行审计人员搭配 25
第7章 浙江杭萧钢构股份有限公司案例分析 27
结  论 28
参考文献 29
致  谢 31

前  言



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  • 关键词 浅议 审计 增信 服务 风险
  • 上一篇:会计准则变革对民营中小企业内部审计的影响
  • 下一篇:论审计风险的控制与防范
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