


  • 适用:本科,大专,自考
  • 更新时间2024年
  • 原价: ¥311
  • 活动价: ¥200 (活动截止日期:2024-04-27)
  • (到期后自动恢复原价)

ABSTRACT: Logistics, because it run through the whole process of produce and circulation, so, the rational, high-efficient logistics can coordinate and perfect the structure of production and circulation entirely, produce the enormous profits, become the new point of growth of profit of enterprises and national economy. Enterprises get profits from the first profits, to the second profits, even to the third profits, which make history of logistics management known as history of lowering costs too. Not only national economy field but also enterprise economic field, the logistics costs of our country reached high levels always, which is show as too high logistics cost proportion of to GDP at macroscopically level, and logistics cost occupy enterprise cost the first place of project at micro level. The thesis mostly researched by studies which is means the process of controlling logistics cost, of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The thesis firstly reviews the relevant literature for the research on logistics cost, introduces the research on status quo of logistics cost. Then puts forward the concepts of logistics and logistics cost, analyzes the constitution of logistics cost. Then points out status quo and problems of logistics cost controlling in our country. Logistics cost mainly consists of transportation cost, storage cost, information cost, management cost in function, so the thesis discusses transportation cost controlling, storage cost controlling, information cost controlling, and management cost controlling., points out the tactics to logistics cost controlling. Transportation cost controlling and storage cost controlling are the keys for enterprises to control logistics cost, because transportation cost and storage cost account for more than 80 percent in gross logistics cost. The control of transportation cost may be set out to promote direct transport tactics, comparing and analyzing kinds of costs and looking for the best Transport program Inventory policy formulation must first inventory management, goal setting, to determine a reasonable level of safety stock and order quantity, to balance the inventory holding costs, the relationship between the purchase cost and shortage cost. Finally, transportation costs control, inventory cost control, a case study, so that the paper is more scientific and practical guidance.

Key words: logistics costs; logistics costs control,;control strategy
1.  绪论 4
1.1 研究的背景及意义 4
1.1.1 研究的背景 4
1.1.2研究意义 4
1.2研究内容与方法 5
2.  江苏百成大达物流有限公司概况 5
2.1公司简介 5
2.2公司产品 5
3.第三方物流成本管理概念 6
3.1公司物流成本管理概念 6
3.1.1物流成本的涵义 6
3.1.2物流成本管理的意义 7
3.2公司物流成本管理内容 8
4.百成大达物流公司物流成本管理存在的主要问题 8
4.1一般物流企业成本管理存在的主要问题 8
4.1.1物流成本控制战略意识薄弱 8
4.1.2物流企业整体水平相对落后,缺乏规模效应 9
4.1.3物流企业成本管理核算方法不合理 9
4.2大达物流公司物流成本管理存在的主要问题 9
4.2.1 成本管理观念落后 10
4.2. 2. 成本管理方法陈旧 10
4.2. 3.人才匮乏,管理水平低 11
4.2.4. 缺乏单独的物流成本核算体系 11
5.江苏百成大达物流公司物流成本管理策略 11
5.1.树立新物流成本新观念,增强全员物流成本管理意识 11
5.2.优化企业物流管理系统,创新企业物流管理体制 12
5.3.建立物流成本核算体系,加强物流成本考核管理 12
5.4.借助现代化物联网技术,提高物流成本管理效率 13
6.总结 13
参考文献: 14

[2] 李建华、顾穗珊:《物流成本及其管理模式的研究》[M].《吉 林大学社会学报》,2011
[3] 傅桂林:《物流成本管理》[M].中国物质出版社,2013年
[4] 贾晓波:《物流企业如何核算物流成本》[M].《科技信息》, 2011年


  • 关键词 物流 百成 大达 成本
  • 上一篇:江苏盛辉物流有限公司客户关系维护分析
  • 下一篇:电子商务环境下服装物流的发展趋势——以雅戈尔物流体系为例
  • 暂无购买记录



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