ABSTRACT: Through the Wechat public platform, all enterprises can establish a Wechat public number to achieve full communication and interaction with specific groups of words, pictures and voice. With the advent of the era of Wechat, many enterprises have rushed to build their own public platform of Wechat, and began to pay attention to the development and utilization of the public platform of Wechat, hoping to achieve the purpose of marketing products and expanding the popularity of enterprises. How should the public platform of micro-telecommunication of small and medium-sized enterprises be operated? What misunderstandings should be avoided? Taking Taobaodian as an example, this paper briefly introduces the operation mode of Weixin Public Number of Jintao Pottery and some problems in the operation process, and puts forward some improvement measures for the problems.
Key words: Wechat; Public Platform; Operation Mode
摘要、关键词 1
一、锦陶素器淘宝店简介 1
二、微信公众平台介绍 1
(一)微信公众号 1
(二)微信公众平台优势 2
1.一对多传播,信息高达到率 2
2.便利的互动性,信息推送迅速实时更新 2
3.用户定位明确,有助实现精准营销 2
4.有利于品牌传播 2
三、锦陶素器微信公众号运营模式 3
(一)锦陶素器微信公众号 3
(二)文章推送 3
(三)广告植入 3
1.硬性植入广告 4
2.软文结尾植入 4
(四)线上线下相结合 4
四、锦陶素器微信公众号运营存在问题 4
(一)用户波动性大 4
(二)商场转化率低 5
(三)文章风格变化大 6
(四)信息内容不够丰富 6
五、锦陶素器微信公众平台运营问题解决措施 6
(一)增加粉丝活跃度和粘稠度 7
1.设置内容回复 7
2.热门文章推荐 7
3.举办活动 7
(二)提高商城转化率 8
1.情感营销 8
2.体验营销 8
3.会员营销 8
4.线下推广营销 9
(三)构建品牌形象 9
1.基础菜单——服务号的好脸面 9
2.文章内容标题——亮点多不浮夸 10
3.内容——精湛创意有价值 10
(四)丰富微信内容,让微信内容能够图文并茂 10
1.内容定位 10
2.内容筛选 10
3.内容编制 11
4.内容推送 11
六、总结 11
七、答谢辞 12
参考文献 13
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