摘要:随着⽣产⼒的不断发展,⼈们的⽣活⽔平和⽣活质量也发⽣着变化。⼈们不再只关注满⾜⾃⼰基本⽣存的 ⽣存资料状况,⽽是开始考虑如何让⾃⼰的社会⽣活具有意义和价值,⽽能够满⾜这类需求的产品逐渐进⼊⼤ 众视野并开始受到追捧。⽽从 2006年⽆印良品第⼀次出现在上海,宣告正式进⼊中国市场后,在全国各地陆续 开设了超过 130 家专卖店,其中⽆锡市⽬前开设了⼀家⽆印良品专卖店。⽽⽆锡市⾃身发展速度较快,其服装 ⾏业竞争较⼤,导致⽆印良品旗下的服饰并不能凸显出其优势地位。因此本⽂将通过分析产品营销组合现状和 产品营销组合存在的问题,从⽽找到产品营销组合问题根源,并针对⽆印良品服装的营销组合提出对策建议。. 关键词:营销组合;⽆印良品;服装;极简主义 Abstract:With the continuous development of productivity, people's living standards and quality of life are also changing. People have gradually abandoned the more traditional survival buying habits and turned to exploratory buying. That is to say, people no longer only focus on the status of survival materials to meet their basic survival, but also begin to consider how to make their social life meaningful and valuable, and products that can meet these needs gradually enter the public's vision and begin to be sought after.Muji was born in 1980. It has a wide range of business contents, including duplicate clothing, household, household goods, stationery and so on. It is the most large-scale daily necessities store in Japan. The word "Muji" in the brand name represents the imprint without any brand logo, but depends on the quality and service of products to win the favor of consumers. This is also one of the main reasons why Muji is the representative brand of minimalist style at present. Since Muji first appeared in Shanghai in 2006 and announced its formal entry into the Chinese market, more than 130 stores have been opened all over the country, of which Wuxi has now opened a Muji store.Wuxi develops rapidly and its garment industry is competitive. As a result, Wuxi's garments can not highlight its dominant position. Therefore, this paper will find out the root of the product marketing mix problem by analyzing the current situation of product marketing mix and the existing problems of product marketing mix, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the marketing mix of imprinted fine clothing. Keywords: Marketing mix, non-print products, clothing, minimalism
⼀、 绪论 (⼀) 营销组合理论概述 有关于 4Ps 理论的研究开始于 1960 年杰罗姆·⻨卡锡在《基础营销》这本书中⾸ 次针对企业的营销要素进⾏了分类,共分为产品、价格、渠道和促销四个部分。理论 的提出引起了营销学界和商界的瞩⽬,在 1967 年,菲利普·科特勒针对还只是粗糙的 理论雏形的 4p 理论进⾏了深⼊细化和揭示,形成了当前公众普遍认识的 4ps: 产品策略:⽤于描述企业产品的研发和设计,要求产品的功能能够直击消费者 痛点,并且具有明显的市场差异性。企业应该以产品为发展中⼼,具有创新意识和竞 争意识。价格:要求企业的产品价格要依据不同的市场定位制定具有差异化的价格策略,好的价格策略能够有效降低消费者对于产品的⼼理防线达成更多交易量,⽽具有差 异性的价格策略能够覆盖更多的⽬标客群,提⾼品牌受众基数。 渠道:企业并⾮与消费者近距离接触的第⼀⼈,中间要经过经销商和零售商等 终端渠道,因此要求企业要组建科学合理的经销商和销售⽹络,并且针对⽹络进⾏ 持久有效的管理,使之与企业⾃身⻛格、⽂化和要求相⼀致。 促销:要求企业通过特殊的促销活动刺激消费者的购买欲望和购买意愿,促成 短期营销成绩的增⻓,提升企业知名度和活跃度。好的促销策略能够帮助企业放置 产品滞留或过剩,或帮助企业提升知名度。 (⼆)对⽆印良品的整体研究 ⽆印良品是⽇本株式会社良品计划中的⼀个品牌,以价格低廉、产品过硬的特 点成为当前⽇本最⼤的 life style store(⽣活形态体验馆),品牌⾃ 1980 年创⽴⼀直 以“极简⻛格”作为产品主要⻛格,倡导环保、简单和朴素的⽣活态度,在国际品牌上 远超 cucci 等⼀线奢侈品牌,位居世界品牌百强前列。 ⽆印良品出⾊的⽂化构建让其在中国也备受欢迎。2006 年第⼀家⽆印良品专卖 店落地上海,就此开始了中国市场的扩张之路,许多中国 80/90 的消费群体纷纷认同 “极简⽂化”,从⽽成为⽆印良品的忠实消费者。 有关于⽆印良品的整体研究⽅向⼤多集中于⽆印良品的设计⻛格和产品⻛格, ⻓春⼯业⼤学研究⽣邢春阳在《试论⽆印良品的设计思想和营销理念》⼀⽂中写到: “⽆印良品作为⼀个来⾃⽇本的本⼟品牌,⽬前是拥有着千余种商品的品牌,在其背 后所包涵的则并不只是品牌的含义,⽽是⼈们对⽣活的⽅式以及对⽣活所持态度的 ⼀种体现、⼀种思考。⽆印良品主要想给⼤家呈现出的是⼀种⽆品牌、并且质量过硬 的中端产品,所有的产品使⽤的⾊彩都是单⼀的,它不赞同把品牌的个性突出 化或 是在品牌上附加⼀种特定的美学意识在其中,抛幵了⼀切外在的装饰,继续简 化, 删除标记,删除所有不必要的程序和颜⾊,简单的包装,没有属于⾃⼰独特的 材料, 试图恢复事物最简单的样⼦,且于易使⽤。”
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